Proud Member of the Peace River School Division Family

Raider's Athletics

Raider's Athletics

School Raiders Logo

Paul Rowe High School recognizes that extracurricular athletics promotes sportsmanship,
team building, good citizenship, high academic standards, and community responsibility.
Extracurricular athletics provide an opportunity for students to explore their unique
talents outside of the classroom setting.

Extracurricular Athletics Options:

  • Golf
  • Cross Country Running
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Curling (Grades 10-12)
  • Badminton
  • Track and Field
  • Archery

Intraschool Extracurricular Athletics Options:

  • Football via Peace River High School (Senior High)

For more information:

For more information about our extracurricular athletics program including seasons of play, fees, guidelines for student athletes and coaches, etc. please refer to the Raider's Athletics Handbook.  

For further information, please contact our school office to be referred to the appropriate staff member.