Proud Member of the Peace River School Division Family


Our school provides a wide range of learning opportunities for students.  At each grade level, students will be enrolled in all courses required by Alberta Education.  These required courses are supplemented by a wide range of options classes. 

For more information about course offerings at each grade level please visit the appropriate tab below.

My Child's Learning: A Parent Resource

This tool from Alberta Education can help you discover:

  • what your child is learning
  • how they’re assessed
  • what resources are available to help them be successful.

My Child's Learning: A Parent Resource


Our Grade 7 Program

Grade 7 is exciting and challenging. Students in Grade 7 take six required subjects.  A variety of additional optional subjects are also offered.

Required Subjects:

  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education
  • Health and Life Skills

Specialized Courses:

  • Literacy & Numeracy

Options Courses:

  • NEW IN 2023-2024:  Hockey & Football
  • Art
  • Career and Technology Foundations:
    • Home Economics (Sewing and Cooking)
    • Shop (Woodworking)
    • Computers/Robotics
  • French as a Second Language

What Do Students Learn in Grade 7?

For more information about what students will learn in grade 7 visit the following websites:

Our Grade 8 Program

What interests me? What am I good at and passionate about? 

Grade 8 students take six required subjects to learn more about themselves and the world.  A variety of additional optional subjects are also offered.

Required Subjects:

  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education
  • Health and Life Skills

Specialized Courses:

  • Literacy & Numeracy

Options Courses:

  • NEW IN 2023-2024:  Hockey & Football
  • Art
  • Career and Technology Foundations:
    • Home Economics (Sewing and Cooking)
    • Shop (Woodworking)
    • Computers/Robotics
  • French as a Second Language

For more information about what students will learn in grade 8 visit the following websites:


Our Grade 9 Program

To prepare for high school, Grade 9 students are required to take six subjects.  A variety of additional optional subjects are also offered.

Required Subjects:

  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education
  • Health and Life Skills

Specialized Courses:

  • Literacy & Numeracy

Options Courses:

  • NEW IN 2023-2024:  Hockey & Football
  • Art
  • Career and Technology Foundations:
    • Home Economics (Sewing and Cooking)
    • Shop (Woodworking)
    • Computers/Robotics
  • French as a Second Language

For more information about what students will learn in grade 9 visit the following websites:


Our Grades 10-12 Program

There are a wide variety of required and options courses available for high school students.  It is important that students select appropriate courses and course sequences to meet personal goals and minimum Alberta high school graduation requirements

Note: Our school Career Counsellor meets with students during course selections and is available to meet one-on-one with students and/or parents by appointment though out the year.

Required Subjects:

  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics 
  • Sciences:
    • Biology
    • Chemistry
    • Physics
    • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Career and Life Management (CALM)
  • Physical Education 10
  • Workplace Safety Systems*
  • Workplace Safety Practices*

*All high school students at Paul Rowe complete these courses as preparation for the future world of work.  These courses are also a prerequisite for Work Experience and the Registered Apprenticeship Program.

Our Options Courses:

  • Aboriginal Studies
  • Art
  • Career and Technology Studies
    • Construction
    • Foods
    • Robotics
    • Cosmetology
  • Drama
  • French as a Second Language
  • Photography
  • Physical Education 20/30
  • Social Sciences
  • Special Projects
  • Work Experience and Registered Apprenticeship Program
  • Green Certificate

Blended and Distance Learning

Our "in-class" offerings will supplemented by the Peace River School Division Virtual Education Program.

What Will Students Be Learning?

For more information about what high school students will learn in various courses visit the following websites:

Daily "SOLE Block"

SOLE time is an opportunity for students to enhance their learning in academics, leadership, citizenship and wellness.