2020-2021 Awards Day Recipients Announced

Paul Rowe Jr./Sr. High School recently celebrated the academic, athletic and extracurricular achievements of our students at our Awards Day ceremony for the 2020-2021 school year. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our school held a virtual assembly via Google Meet with student cohorts joining in from their classrooms. Unfortunately, our school was unable to open the ceremony to families and the public, however a video slideshow of our award recipients was posted to our school Facebook following the ceremony. A link to the video slideshow can also be found below.
We would like to send extra special thanks to our scholarship and award sponsors. Once again, we would also like to send a huge thank you out to our entire school community for your support and patience.
Thank you to Ms. Tamara Czaban, Mrs. Anita Bak, Mr. Matt Taylor and Mrs. Karla Cove for all of your work organizing the awards.