School Year Resumes with PRSD Back-to-school Re-Entry Plan

The new school year is underway, and students and staff are settling into our new routines. We are happy to announce that the 2021-2022 Alberta Education School Year Plan and the corresponding Peace River School Division Back-to-school Re-Entry Plan has allowed us to resume some programs and activities previously suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions.
As per the Alberta Government’s recent announcement regarding the re-introduction of health regulations, the PRSD plan was updated, with changes taking effect on September 8. The main change for our school is that we are once again required to wear masks in all shared areas of the school. Note: masks are still not required while students are seated in the classroom, but
students who choose to wear a mask and/or social distance will be supported.
Note: To view the PRSD Back-to-school Re-Entry Plan summary, visit our website homepage and scroll down to “Division News.”
As new information and guidelines are released, we feel that it is important that our parents and guardians are informed in a timely manner.
For the most up-to-date information please:
- Listen to Automated Phone Messages & Read Emails from our school
- Follow our Facebook Page
- Visit our school website, specifically the “Division News,” regularly.